Introducing Rhythm and Beat is a new resource on ARTS:LIVE that provides teachers with activities for stress-free planning and easy delivery in the fundamentals of the music curriculum.
Rhythm and beat are two of the most essential elements of making, learning and enjoying music, and are embedded in the music curriculum across all year levels.
Making challenging concepts easy for students to grasp and discriminate between, Introducing Rhythm and Beat is packed with simple games and activities to use across the semester. Teach rhythm and beat in isolation, or embed them in lessons about music from other periods of time, genres or diverse cultures.
Access a variety of engaging games, across year levels, to set students up for success, not only in music, but for helping students to recognise patterns in numeracy and literacy. Students will also develop listening skills, coordination skills, collaboration skills, as well as timing and tempo.
These 9 fun Rhythm and Beat games will help support students to:
- Feel and understand the concepts of ‘beat’ and ‘rhythm.’
- Improve their overall music literacy.
- Increase their ability to read and hear different rhythms.
- Perform beat rhythm patterns with confidence.
- Develop their aural skills through call and response rhythm practice.
- Learn beatboxing as a fun way to develop and maintain beat.
- Perform rhythms to a steady beat with an ensemble.
- Use body percussion to create their own rhythms.
- Write their own lyrics and raps together.
Introducing Rhythm and Beat is part of The Music Classroom Collection available on ARTS:LIVE. It has been created as part of The Music in Schools – DUET: Teacher Mentoring Program (DUET), a collaboration between The Song Room and the Victorian Department of Education.
Teach the building blocks of music education with Introducing Rhythm and Beat or access The Music Classroom Collection and start planning an entire semester of music learning.