Kids love Hip Hop dancing. An Introduction to Hip Hop provides the basis to start learning this contemporary dance genre.
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Whether you’re a beginner exploring movement for the first time, or looking for ideas to further your learning, ARTS:LIVE has you covered! These dance courses and activities are designed to help children of all ages discover the many ways ideas can be articulated, explored and communicated through our bodies and movement.
The courses cover warm ups, dance spaces, improvisation, choreography, dance styles such as hip hop and contemporary dance, and links between dance and other kinds of movement, like sport!
Dance courses on ARTS:LIVE have been created in partnership with some of Australia’s leading dance companies, such as Ausdance, Chunky Move and the NAISDA Dance College.
We’ve previewed all the courses and activities on ARTS:LIVE so you can take a look at what’s on offer. Get exploring today and register for free to access everything you need to unlock the world of dance!