Plan your outdoor music classroom today with this inspiring new resource.
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ARTS:LIVE contains a huge range of music courses and activities designed to help you get creative. Whether you’re looking for some meaningful musical activities to engage children, exploring ways to integrate musical learning into other subjects, or even exploring pathways into the music industry, ARTS:LIVE has something for you.
The site also has in-depth courses to teach you how to play Ukulele, Guitar and Drums!
Our resources have been created in partnership with some of Australia’s leading musicians and music industry professionals such as Gotye, Gossling, Henry Wagons, Clare Bowditch, Unified Music Group, Music NT and APRA/AMCOS.
We’ve previewed all the courses and activities on ARTS:LIVE so you can take a look at what’s on offer. Get exploring today and register for free to access everything you need to unlock the world of music!