It’s a brand new school year and that means you have a brand new class of students to take on an educational journey!
ARTS:LIVE provides you with all the tools you need to inspire your students as they explore, learn and apply creative skills in the Arts and across other subject areas.
ARTS:LIVE courses range from one-off lessons to a full terms’ worth of rich, sequential learning. Each course contains instructional videos, lesson plans and classroom activities. You don’t need to be an expert in the arts, our digital platform provides everything you need to bring creative learning to life in your school.
We’ve been working on new resources in drama and visual arts that have been added to ARTS:LIVE in time for the new school term. Check them out below and take creativity to the next level in your classroom.
Hive Mind
9 × 45 minute lessons
Age 5 – 12
Follow contemporary interdisciplinary artist Amelia Kalifa as she weaves together a community of old and young people through the creation of an interactive sculpture.
The course explores what community art is and invites students to collaborate and design their own community focused art project.
The Listies Make a Scene
4 × 45 minute lessons
Age 5 – 12, 12-16
Without doubt our wackiest resource yet, watch Matt and Rich from The Listies devise a plot through trial and error. They’ll develop suspense and create hilarious visual gags for a new show.
This resource incorporates a kinaesthetic approach to learning and uses fun and spontaneous activities to help anyone create, refine and perform theatre.
Creative kids are brighter kids – they do better at school and enjoy school life more. Being creative gives children opportunities to be imaginative, work together, and learn. ARTS:LIVE provides all the resources children need to get them going on this journey!
Inspire your students in 2019 and bring the Arts to life Let them explore, learn and apply creative skills in the arts through ARTS:LIVE!